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Day Camp

Welcome to Day Camp!

Lombard Park District is excited to offer full-day camp programs to children entering grades 1-8. Our camps are designed for your child to have a fun, safe, and memorable summer. Days will be filled with arts and crafts, sports, games, and various enriching activities. With a variety of registration options, the Lombard Park District has a camp fit for everyone’s schedule and needs. For additional questions regarding the Day Camp program, please contact Rob Williams at or Katie Manheim at

Registration Information

Resident Registration: 03/01

Non-Resident Registration: 03/08

Registration will be available online or by dropping off a registration form at Sunset Knoll Recreation Center. Please note: registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Registrants placed onto a waitlist will be taken off of the waitlist in the order they were registered.

Day Camp Highlights 

Camp Location: Lombard Common

Grade Levels: Junior Camp: Entering Grades 1-3  |  Senior Camp: Entering Grades 4-5  |  Teen Camp: Entering Grades 6-9

Field Trip Days: Junior Camp: Wednesdays  |  Senior Camp: Mondays  |  Teen Camp: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays

Swim Days & Times: Junior Camp: M, Th, F from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm  |  Senior Camp: Tu, W, F from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Teen Camp: W, Th from 1:00 – 3:00 pm

Parent Meeting

Please feel free to join the Day Camp leadership team at one of our parent meetings on May 13 or May 15 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm at the Lombard Community Building (433 E. St. Charles Rd.). Staff will introduce themselves, review the parent handbook, along with camper expectations, and be available to answer questions.

Registration Deadlines

Registration deadlines will occur on the Wednesday prior to the week the child is registering for. Please note: late registration may be accepted if capacity has not been exceeded, but will be subject to a $15 late fee per child. Once the registration deadline has passed, all late registration requests must be sent to Katie Manheim at for approval.

Day Camp Schedules

A schedule of themes and activities is available in our Parent Handbook. Additional information regarding schedules will be provided when needed.

Extended Care

Regular Day Camp operating hours are 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Sunrise and Sunset Camp is available for campers needing to be dropped off or picked up outside of the regular operating hours. Sunrise Camp begins as early as 7:00 am and Sunset Camp will remain open as late as 6:00 pm.

Sunrise Camp: 7:00 – 9:00 am
Sunset Camp: 4:00 – 6:00 pm

Please note: R/NR Fees must be paid prior to attending Sunrise or Sunset Camp.

Please be sure to provide additional snacks for your child and inform your child of transportation arrangements. The Lombard Park District will only release campers to those listed on the information sheet for both Day Camp and Sunrise/Sunset Camp. Please be sure that the information provided is accurate throughout the summer.