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District Financials

Open Meeting Act, Section 7.3

The goal of the Lombard Park District’s compensation program is to assure that the Park District maintains a compensation and benefit program that attracts and retains capable and career-oriented employees while continuing to pay competitive wages and benefits for comparable work in the marketplace. Annually, the District reviews salary/benefit information that is gathered from the Park District’s own market survey and the annual IPRA survey.

The District must disclose certain total employee compensation package as required by The Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120). The requirement states that (A) within six business days after a budget has been approved, IMRF employers must post the total compensation package for each employee exceeding $75,000 per year and (B) at least six days before approving a total compensation package in excess of $150,000 per year. Total compensation package is considered to be salary, employer portion of health insurance (medical, dental and vision), vehicle allowance, gasoline usage (prior year actual usage will be used as an estimate), housing allowance, loans, bonus, and clothing allowance. The number of vacation and sick days to be granted or accrued during the next twelve months will be stated as well. This information for employees of the Lombard Park District will be posted in the Administrative Offices, 227 W. Parkside Avenue, Lombard, IL. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm.

Notice of Adoption of Prevailing Wage Ordinance 18-501

Take notice that the Board of Commissioners of the Lombard Park District, pursuant to “An Act regulating wages of laborers, mechanics and other workers employed in any public works by the State, county, city or any public body or any political subdivision or by anyone under contract for public works”, effective July 1, 1941, as amended, has determined on, and as effective from June 26, 2018, that the general prevailing rate of wages in this locality for laborers, mechanics, and other workers engaged in the construction of public works coming under the jurisdiction of the Lombard Park District is the same as determined by the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois for DuPage County as of June 26, 2018.

A copy of the full Ordinance and the Department of Labor determination is available for inspection by any interested party in the Administrative Offices of the Lombard Park District, 227 W. Parkside Avenue, Lombard, IL, between 8:30 am – 5:00 pm of each business day and to any employer; association of employers and any person of employee or association of employees who have filed, or file their names and addresses, requesting copies of the same.


The Park District does not actively lobby and has not over the past five years. The District is a member of the Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD). The IAPD is a nonprofit service, research, and education organization that serves park districts, forest preserves, conservation, municipal park and recreation, and special recreation agencies. The association advances these agencies, their citizen board members and professional staff in their ability to provide outstanding park and recreation opportunities, preserve natural resources, and improve the quality of life for all people in Illinois.

Tax Rate

The resident tax dollar is divided up into several governmental entities. The Lombard Park District collects about five cents of every tax dollar to provide recreational services. The remaining portions are divided among the school districts, Village of Lombard and other agencies. The tax rate for 2023 is .3674 per $100 of assessed value (most recent available).

  • Grade School District #44 48.00% 48.00%
  • High School District #87 27.21% 27.21%
  • Village of Lombard 7.68% 7.68%
  • Library 5.28% 5.28%
  • Other Taxing Bodies 4.92% 4.92%
  • Lombard Park District 4.55% 4.55%
  • College of DuPage 2.36% 2.36%