Level Up Lombard Parks

Help us shape the future of the Lombard Park District.
Update: The Community Needs Assessment Survey is now open to the community. Click here to take the survey.
This year, the Lombard Park District is engaging with the community to update the comprehensive and strategic plan. Your feedback is essential to creating a Park District that evolves with the community and its changing needs.
To shape its priorities, the Park District is conducting a community needs assessment survey to collect direct feedback about Park District parks, facilities, programs, and services, as well as strengths and areas for improvement. This survey will take approximately 12-15 minutes, and respondents will remain anonymous.
A key component of planning the Park District’s future is having feedback from the whole community, including non-park and non-program users. Regardless of your current involvement with the Park District’s facilities and programs, we urge you to take the survey and let us know your thoughts. The feedback gathered will guide Park District planning for years to come.
If you have questions or for more information, email levelup@lombardparks.com or call 630.620.7322.