Four Seasons OSLAD Project

Lombard Park District was proudly awarded an Open Space Grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to assist in Phase 2 of the park development of Four Seasons, located at Finley Road and 16th Street. Lombard Park District’s project was one of 87 projects funded by the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant program in 2022.
Phase 2 features of this park will include volleyball court renovation/relocation, additional walking paths around the pond, 2-5 playground replacement on the west playground, game tables, and more.
Phase 2 construction will tentatively begin in the spring of 2023 and is expected to be completed fall 2023.
For questions or concerns, please contact the Executive Director, Joe McCann at 630.953.6016.

Update 11/1:
Phase 2 project is complete. Project included a new playground, walking path, shelter, and a baseball field conversion into a soccer field.
Update 8/29:
Construction is underway for Phase 2. The project scope includes the installation of pathways around the pond, replacement of the west playground, new volleyball court, games tables, and baggo courts.